Thursday, 21 March 2013

Camp disaster letters

We wrote disaster letters related to our experiences at camp. We had to make them our parent’s worst nightmare using the power of suggestion and not stating facts. We also had to show the positive side in everything. See if your child had a disaster at camp in this letter.

100% the truth as far as we recall

My Amazing time at camp.
Dear Mum,
I’m having an awesome time here at Typhoid Lodge. Mr Mac is making us write to you in case you read about the tornado in the newspaper and were worried. Only two sheep, our dinner, Williams’s suitcase and the dorm roof went missing. Apart from a few wet nights, I’m having a great time.
Our first activity was survival. It took ages to get Davin out of the long drop. After that we put up tents. Harry’s eye had a battle with a pole and the pole won. During the mud run I got a mouthful of mud but luckily Mike pulled me out before I completely ran out of oxygen. Making camp fires was fun. Caleb’s tent now has a third door, unfortunately he cannot close it. To add to that Cory is going to look pretty weird till his hair grows back.
Kayaking was great fun. In a race three of Connie’s teeth came out and now she is SIX DOLLARS RICHER!  She isn’t smiling as much as she normal does though. The teacher was awesome she didn’t mind that the life jackets were eaten by a bear. There was a log blocking our way. Trent and his kayak made a great battering ram. To make things even cooler Trent can now do a triple back flip dive! The best bit was seeing how a tourniquet works all in a space of five minutes.
I loved the climbing wall it was awesome. Even though the teacher got dehydrated and was back at the lodge we think we got the harness right, can you Google if it’s meant to go round your arms for me so I can tell the next group. Oh and Kyla thinks crutches are better than wheel chairs.
Archery was great. I caught my dinner! I was wondering if you think I have allergies to possum meat? We got to make a human stretcher and we know it works as we carried Deen up to the ambulance on it.
Horse riding was awesome the teacher agreed that the puke green helmets didn’t match our clothes so we didn’t have to wear them. We only jumped two fences and only Tor got an egg on his head.
We didn’t do the rest of the games as we were looking for Jackshen. I got to ride in a rescue jeep it was awesome. When the driver fell out it was even more fun. Did you know petrol is extremely flammable, on the bright side we wouldn’t have found Jackshen if it wasn’t for the fire. Mr Mac got mad at Jackshen but to be fair to Jackshen he had told Mr Mac during the tornado that he was going hiking. Mr Mac didn’t hear him.
Typhoid lodge is awesome don’t worry about me I should be back Thursday if Jake fixes the bus. It’s not his fault Tor crashed it.
P.S. how long has it been since I had my last tetanus injection.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Digging up the dirt in Room 3

Today was the first day of digging and eww yuck what a smelly job that was.
We were interested to see what had happened and think about why.
We found some interesting things out as you can see below.



Look at this fungi

Its on the english muffin



EWWWWW maggots

Where has the pineapple
skins gone??????
The pineapple skins have decomposed, decompose means to rot through a chemical or bacterial reaction that breaks it down to fall apart in the earth.

What is Methane?
Methane is an odourless colourless gas that harms the earth. Farmers are getting taxed when their cows fart because they are releasing methane. They release about 70 gallons of methane A DAY!

What is compost?
Compost is soil leaves and other materials that have decomposed. Composting is easy to do and is good for your plants. It also prevents many foodscraps from being landfilled.

Year 6 Camp

Room 3 spent an exciting 4 days at  Year 6 camp at Lakewood Lodge.


You go out into the bush for a day and night, cook over a camp fire,  sleep in tents, run through mud, orienteer our way around, challenge our strength and endurance and work together as a team.  To finish a long day we then went eeling and roasted marshmallows after a few scary stories around the campfire;

Sitting in the camp fire are. The last person
there does 10 push ups!

Playing 'Plug It'. Plug the hole to float
the ping pong balls to the top

Mud run , through the mud, over under and through the obstacles to get the puzzle piece,
solve the puzzle- first to win the challenge!

Emma taught us how to kayak at one point we had to make a line and walk or run across the boats Mrs Millar was the only parent to do this part.

Paddle left to go right and right to go left
Everyone get ready to race


Climbing wall

The climbing wall was great Harry got to the top of the 11 metre wall the fastest,  he did it in 31 seconds this was the fastest of all the year 6 classes.

Climb climb climb




William W got the overall highest score at camp 61!

“ Mrs. Knofflock said we needed to bring green
tights and a green shirt later she said she was
 bluffing but I got a packet of lollies  anyway.

Aim target FIRE

Horse riding

There were tonnes of horse games like weaving between poles, relays, collecting flags, spelling Lakewood and more.
And lead a horse
We got to ride

Flying fox

Mrs. Knofflock got stuck in the middle of the lake on the flying fox Blake was the main culprit of this “accident”